
Showing posts with the label buy apple cider vinegar

10 Easy Steps to make Apple Cider Vinegar at Home

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural product that has a number of health benefits. It has been used for different health benefits from thousands of years. It is an amber colored drink which is full of nutrients and helps to improve stamina and boost the immune system. It takes near about 7 months’ time to get the exact product from fresh apples. Can we prepare natural apple cider vinegar at home? The answer is YES! There is not any rocket science to make apple cider vinegar at home. It might be easier than making a cup of tea, though it takes much time to collect the exact product. Steps to make Apple Cider Vinegar at home: Step 1: Take few Apples and wash them thoroughly. Step 2: Cut these apples into small slices and keep them in a bowl until they turn brown. Step 3: Now pour these apple pieces in a glass jar and fill it with water so that all the apple pieces are completely drowned in water. Step 4: Now cover the jar with a cheesecloth and leave it idle for few-tim...

How Apple Cider Vinegar is Beneficial for Hair

Apple cider Vinegar is popular for its hair related benefits, it can be called a tonic for hair for multiple benefits that it offers. Here are some ways in which it helps keeps your hair nice and beautiful for long. Cleansing and antibacterial properties Apple cider vinegar is a proven remedy for a lot of health related issues. It is known to have anti bacterial properties, which enable it to be used in various places for cleaning and hygiene purposes. Similarly washing your hair with apple cider vinegar kills all the harmful bacteria in your hair and prevents any future growth, preventing dandruff and other fungal infections. Maintain PH level of the scalp Natural oil produced in our hair and scalp need to have a balanced PH level which means it should neither be too acidic or basic, but some shampoos and hair products disrupt this balance. Apple cider vinegar restores the normal acidity level of our hair which is ideal for better hair growth. Improves Shine Hairs have an outer ...